Tuesday 31 March 2015

DotA 6.78c AI v1.4e Map Download

Good news for everyone! DotA AI Team has continued the map development and recently released DotA 6.78c AI v1.4e codenamed 'Farewell'. This version comes with basic AI for Oracle and EarthSpirit including improved item builds and code optimizations. 
Also, the major bug that caused AI's to gather (stuck) at one point is also fixed. The AI dev team originally planned for Dota 6.79 AI but released v6.78c instead. You can download the map and read its features below:

Download the map file (with .w3x extension) and place it in (Warcraft III\Maps\Download) directory. You must have Warcraft 3 TFT v1.24e or above to play this map.

DotA 6.78c AI Features

Ported changes to IceFrog's DotA 6.78c
All heroes and skills now work properly.
-cn mode has been updated to show professional player names.
AI stuck bug is fixed
AI's now use not more than 2 couriers
Code optimizations to decrease file size and improve stability
AI's get automatically get Gold Boost after 25 Levels
According to AI team member Green_Sliche, There might be a second release (Rev B.) in future to fix remaining issues. Moreover, the team is looking for potential developers/candidates to continue porting upcoming DotA releases.

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